January 28, 2019 1 Comment

The Beginners Guide To Fat Loss!

Are you just starting out on your weight loss journey and have quite a lot of body fat to lose?

I put out a lot of content that is aimed at people who are already in great shape but looking to take it to another level! However this article isn’t for them, its for those of you who have made the amazing decision to change your lives and are at the start of your journeys!


Here are some helpful tips from me to get you started.

  1. Clean OUT your cupboards, this very basic but will help you clean up your diet. If you think about it simply, try not to eat food out of boxes or tins generally. Eliminate processed food, dairy, gluten, wheat and any food that you know causes inflammation and bloating. Eat food that runs, swims, is grown in the ground or it can be plucked out of a tree. Very simple.
  2. The second main goal for you on a daily basis is to have a minimum protein target, use your lean body weight (total scale weight minus your body fat percentage) and multiply this by 2.5 grams per kg (this is a starting level, yes I do work up to 3 and even 4 grams per kg of body weight but this is a starting place for average joes). All you have to do, is make sure you hit that total amount every day. So for someone who has a lean body weight of 60 kg, they will need 150 grams of protein spread out through the day, ideally I wouldn’t suggest more than 40g of protein in one sitting.
  3. Eat a portion of essential fat with each meal. This could simply be a drizzle of olive oil over vegetables or salad, a few nuts, or to cook with a teaspoon of coconut oil. The essential fats are not just vital for hormonal and cell health, they should make up at least 20% of your daily calorie intake. Low calorie eating is a major reason why people don't lose body fat. Read my article on WHY YOU NEED TO EAT FAT TO BURN FAT
  4. Hit a water goal, ideally I would suggest a large glass as soon as you wake up, then over the day aim for at least 3-4 litres per day.

These initial tips will help you make huge progress if you can combine it with consistent training! You can find a training program on my simply shredded ebook!

"I started my journey with Charlie on the 8th March 2018 and what an incredible journey it has been so far! Charlie put together the most perfect program, which has allowed to shred a bucket load of body fat and build a fit and strong lean physique! My body composition is the best it has ever been and we are still going! "

  1. Food diary, log your food everyday whether it be on my fitness pal, my custom client app or in a book! This will insure you are consistent and accountable, inconsistency leads to poor results!
  2. If you have been training in the gym 3 x a week, this is the time when you could add in an extra training session. This extra session will produce another level of results.

So you see, you don't have to be all that fancy, you don't have to count everything at the start, you just have to do the basics and make sure you remain consistent.

As you get leaner, and you lose weight, then you do have to become slightly more specific to see more results.

If you would like to know I how I help my clients all over the world, lose weight, and then keep it off checkout my current CJ Coaching one to one programs



1 Response

Kadar sayyad
Kadar sayyad

March 03, 2019

My weight is 90 must I want to be come 65

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